Features & Functions of CAP
CAP is a mobile app that allows contractors and trade allies to perform home energy audits as well as provide recommendations, generate proposals, and convert proposals to applications. CAP leverages the Microsoft Dynamics suite of functionality to provide a feature-rich mobile platform within a secure framework.Audits/Assessment
Perform Audits and energy assessments
The auditor is able to conduct a room-by-room examination of the residence, as well as a thorough analysis of past utility bills
Perform pre-assessment to determine the customer’s “as-is” status
The auditor is able log information relevant to every aspect of the building — and track the details in a manner that can be utilized for reports, recommendations, and proposals.
The software is designed from HPXML standards
The entire platform is HPXML compliant, including all fields, objects, and components. Data can be uploaded/downloaded as required.
Perform inspections (aka post-audits) to validate the installation or update of efficient equipment.
The auditor is able to perform a room-by-room examination of the residence – including comparison of details to the pre-assessment.
Company Overview
Managers are able to view all activity in their organization.
Managers are able to view all audits, projects, reports, and proposals for each individual contractor in their organization.
Contractor View
Individual contractors are able to view their own audits and projects.
Individual contractors are able to view their own audits, projects, reports, proposals, activities, and more.
Field Service
Organizations can manage their field staff
Managers are able to leverage the field service module to manage staff, calendaring, inventory, teams, trucks, availability, and more.
Contractors are able to view and manage their schedules.
Scheduling and availability can be viewed and managed at the level of an individual contractors as well as across the entire organization.
Customer Info
Populate customer information
The auditor is able to log customer details. All audits and activity can be viewed on the customer record.
Home Info
Populate home information
The auditor is able to log home/address information. All audits and activity can be viewed on the home/address record.
Attach pictures to the audit
The app allows users to snap pictures and immediately attach them to the audit record for use in the audit report.
Document Attachments
Attach documents to the audit
CAP allows auditors to leverage native mobile functionality to scan and attach documents. Alternatively, users can upload documents they have received via email.
Associate Measures with each Audit
You are able to configure the Measure Library, allowing you to add measure recommendations to the proposal. Measures savings and incentives can be calculated.
Calculated Measures
Calculate Savings and Incentives
Incentives and Savings can be calculated via our configurable calculation tool. Where more complexity is needed, we also have integrated with ESPCalcs, a software tool by ESPLabs.
Status Tracking
Tracking the status of building components
The auditor is able to track all building details as well as the progress status for each component.
Proposal Tracking
Track your Proposals
Generate energy efficiency proposals and track their progress through the entire process including forecasting and conversion to applications.
View dashboards of all audits and projects
The auditor is able to view a dashboard, displaying their own audits, projects, reports, proposals, activity, and more.
Generate Recommendations
The auditor is able to provide recommendations based on the needs of the customer. These can be utilized for the Home Report as well as for the Proposal.
Generate detailed proposals.
The auditor is able to log the existing building equipment as well as the recommended updates or replacements — followed by generating a full proposal for the customer, including savings and incentives.
Email/Print the Proposals
Email or Print the proposal
The auditor is able to send the proposal to the customer via Email. Alternatively, if connected to a printer, they can also select the print option.
Digital Signature
Digitally sign/approve the proposal
The customer is able to use the digital signature function to confirm the audit, approve the proposal, or sign-off on a rebate application.
Convert Proposals
Convert proposals to applications
The auditor is able to generate applications — directly from the proposal. The system will automatically copy all information from the proposal to the new application, saving the both the auditor and customer time.
Track Applications
Track applications from beginning to end
The customer and the auditor are able to view the status of the application throughout the process.
Tablet/iPad interface
Auditors are able to perform their tasks directly from an iPad or tablet. Alternatively, they may also utilize laptops — or go back and forth as needed.
Laptop Access
Some functionality, such as managing reports and dashboards, may be more convenient on a laptop rather than a mobile device. Users are able to login from both mobile and laptop to access information and perform tasks.
Log existing equipment
During the audit process, the user is able to record all existing equipment. This provides all parties with a detailed “as-is” status for the home/building.
Home Report
Generate a Home Report.
The auditor can generate a report and is able to preselect which building components, documents, and photos to include or exclude.
Copy from Pre-Audit
Copy data from Pre-Audit to Post-Audit.
To save time, the auditor is able to view their captured Pre-Audit data, while performing the Post-Audit. To speed up the process, the Auditor can simply hit the “Copy from Pre-Audit” button, followed by editing those pasted Post-Audit details if needed.
Email Notifications
Keep customers informed.